Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Below is a post on the NY Interpreter's Forum by an NIC Cert Terp:

"Hey, guys. FYI I finally lost it with Signtalk. Not that I've worked for them in a long while, however I'm still on their list. I had written a note to Signtalk when they last sent out an email codifying their ridiculous and unfair practices toward interpreters. (i.e. Their cancellation policy, team no-show policy, etc.) I questioned the legality of putting us on a job that we did not sign up for, if the client was a no show. Doesn't this make us employees rather than freelancers? Long story short, Leah denied that they get paid when a client is a no show. Which I think is BS. When I said I knew of a Terp that did a 5 hour job alone without a team for them, she said they don't get paid for 2 terps if the other terp doesn't show. Again, BS. If they did make this agreement with a client then they are making negotiations against the well being and health of terps. I told her Signtalk was considered the worst agency in NYC. She said "Quite the contrary, we are considered one of the best..." I told her that was BS, and that the only reason she had the Board of Ed contract is she has a friend on the Board of Ed who allows Signtalk to have that contract. I then told her to make sure my name was not on her list of Terps for her HHC bid. Then I left her with some other choice words, which I probably should have restrained myself from saying. Lets just say the gist of it was that she was cheap and abusive to the rights and health of terps. Feel a bit of an emotional hangover, but I'm hoping that soon other terps will face up to Signtalk and stop feeding that evil company. I know it's hard, because we all need to eat, but we as a community need to get a Spine."

We second that opinion.

FYI: read this article from Discover Mag about how ASL Terping is the worst profession for on the job injury:


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