Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Below is a post on the NY Interpreter's Forum by an NIC Cert Terp:

"Hey, guys. FYI I finally lost it with Signtalk. Not that I've worked for them in a long while, however I'm still on their list. I had written a note to Signtalk when they last sent out an email codifying their ridiculous and unfair practices toward interpreters. (i.e. Their cancellation policy, team no-show policy, etc.) I questioned the legality of putting us on a job that we did not sign up for, if the client was a no show. Doesn't this make us employees rather than freelancers? Long story short, Leah denied that they get paid when a client is a no show. Which I think is BS. When I said I knew of a Terp that did a 5 hour job alone without a team for them, she said they don't get paid for 2 terps if the other terp doesn't show. Again, BS. If they did make this agreement with a client then they are making negotiations against the well being and health of terps. I told her Signtalk was considered the worst agency in NYC. She said "Quite the contrary, we are considered one of the best..." I told her that was BS, and that the only reason she had the Board of Ed contract is she has a friend on the Board of Ed who allows Signtalk to have that contract. I then told her to make sure my name was not on her list of Terps for her HHC bid. Then I left her with some other choice words, which I probably should have restrained myself from saying. Lets just say the gist of it was that she was cheap and abusive to the rights and health of terps. Feel a bit of an emotional hangover, but I'm hoping that soon other terps will face up to Signtalk and stop feeding that evil company. I know it's hard, because we all need to eat, but we as a community need to get a Spine."

We second that opinion.

FYI: read this article from Discover Mag about how ASL Terping is the worst profession for on the job injury:


Sunday, February 21, 2010

The DANGER of VRI charging $20/30 minutes

We just heard that ONE VRI is charging by 30 minute increments. i.e. $20/ 30 minutes of interpreting. That is a 50-60& DISCOUNT from normal rates. This is a very dangerous precedent. I don't know about you, but we can't survive on 20 bucks an hour. "But they are not paying 20 dollars an hour, it's just for 30 minutes!" But, in fact, they are only paying 20 dollars. They are saying that you need to commit to an appointed time to terp for possibly only 30 minutes of pay. NO GUARANTEE of a 1 or 2 hour minimum. VRI says that businesses are refusing to commit to the full hour of pay, so they are trying the 30 minute approach. So if a business model like this takes off, terps that work in metropolitan area will be in danger of losing their jobs. While a Terp in West Virginia who works for 18-25 an hour might find $20 for a job not so bad, we DC/NYC/LA/SF terps will end up homeless. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. We strongly suggest you do not ACCEPT 30 MINUTE MINIMUMS. Let us know your thoughts.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Rumor has it that some NYC terps met today to discuss forming an association to draft a BILL OF INTERPRETERS RIGHTS for the Metro NY area. With the advent of some rogue agencies hacking away at Terp working conditions, these Terps know if they don't do it for themselves NO ONE WILL. Bravo for them!

On their list of GRIEVANCES they sited SIGN TALK (YUCK!) as recently sending out yet ANOTHER contract for Terps to SIGN AWAY THEIR RIGHTS, codifying their relentless attacks on terp pay and terp safety. Like, saying that if a client doesn't show up they can send the FREELANCE TERP wherever they want without paying them extra. (Depending on what they consider reasonable!) Excuse me but doesn't that mean the Terp is an employee and should be getting benefits? Shouldn't ST be paying unemployment insurance? IS THAT LEGAL? Isn't sign talk still being paid for BOTH ASSIGNMENTS but trying to pay the terp only for that one? What about the additional travel time? We think if the agency is getting paid for interpreters they should pass that money along to the Terps ... call us crazy.

Next ST sent out an email calling for Medical Terps. GOD HELP US!!! (God help the patients!)

We really hope this new association of terps can get enough terps together to set up a bill of rights and hold agencies accountable for how they treat/pay/prepare their terps.