We think the first NY Interpreters Forum meeting went well. About 35 Terps showed up including some VERY PROMINENT MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY BOTH DEAF AND HEARING. There was your usual whining and complaining from some Terps -- those that just want to play the blame game. (Sometimes Terps really annoy us ... like the one's that refuse to see a need for a separate association to take on Agencies, but keep repeating "METRO RID is already in place!" Right after someone says: "Metro RID can not take on Terp Agencies." These communication specialists are not always so special. But, hey, we can be whiny annoying knuckleheads ourselves so guess everyone gets that right. Mostly, we were very proud of everyone in the room.
Main points (FROM OUR POV) --
1. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH SOMETHING IN AN AGENCY CONTRACT DO NOT SIGN IT -- FL terps need to learn that they have the right and power to TELL THE AGENCIES WHAT THEY WANT IN THE CONTRACT. Not vice versa. One long time Cert Terp says her contract with Signtalk is just fine since she told them HER policy on cancellation, rate etc.
2. IF YOUR TEAM DOESN'T SHOW UP FOR AN ASSIGNMENT and it's a long arduous assignment DO NOT DO IT. It sets a bad precedent for other terps. You STILL SHOULD BE PAID FOR YOUR PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT.
3. Signtalk generally sucks. (That's our winnowing down of the general comments about ST)
4. The majority of Terps -- including some prominent CDI's -- felt A COOP AGENCY WAS WORTH EXPLORING. Some terps didn't. But they were in the minority and their point was that "How would this be different than another agency." Which made us think they are missing the point, that a coop agency would be terp run. Could lower the price for the consumer. And protect terp standards and interests.
5. We probably should attend more Metro RID meetings. Even though the harsh, fascistic tone of some of the Terps that intimated that you somehow have sinned if you haven't attended the meetings turned us off. But we will go because we know we can accomplish more TOGETHER than apart. But WE DEFINITELY NEED AN ASSOCIATION that takes on the agencies and spreads the word about who is treating terps fairly and who isn't.
6. Licensure (which we don't know how to spell) seemed to be something people were discussing, but we really didn't grasp this yet, but will look into it. We gather it means that the state would offer licenses for Terps, so we gather that's another certification.
7. Other people than US are bothered by IRRESPONSIBLE TERPS WHO TEND TO NOT SHOW UP ON TIME, DO THEIR JOBS, DRESS APPROPRIATELY OR UNDERSTAND THE BUSINESS. (Although we have a bit more sympathy since we're still learning about the business.
8. Washington D.C. has a lot of work and according to one rabble rousing gal, it seems to pay to take the 4 hour round trip drive to work there from NYC. Do they pay travel?
9. Some Terps felt that the meeting possibly should take place where more deaf consumers could participate. There were only two -- unless we missed them -- deaf/HOH terps present. We feel that including more CDI's would be a great idea. And we're all for including more consumers as LONG AS THE FOCUS REMAINS ON THE WORKING CONDITIONS FOR TERPS. RID and NAD are there to deal with the profession as a whole. We need an association that is about working conditions for terps, which will also lead to better services. But from our encounters with RID (national and metro) it seemed a bit lackluster on ill-treatment of terps. Like, hello, where was RID when Terps were being used and abused by Viable? Yes, terps, needed to make their own decisions as well. But when they sought guidance from RID all they heard was crickets ... and a preternaturally long discussion and vote about whether someone can breast feed infants in the meeting. Arrrgh.
ALL IN ALL THE NY TERP FORUM WAS A GREAT MEETING, and we're looking forward to hearing more from this group. We are definitely looking forward to disseminating (anonymously) any juicy tidbits that come down the pike about Terp Practices and how we can whip these agencies into shape. Please leave comments and suggestions.
Have a beautiful day. And don't forget to sign in to nyinterpretersforum.com
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Credit Where Credit is Due. (But NOT ENOUGH)
Okay, lets at least give Signtalk a bit of credit for changing course on forcing terps to work double WITHOUT double pay. (Sound of one hand clapping. Figure it out.) But what about all those years where you DIDN'T PAY DOUBLE? You paying that back?
BUT, we hope Signtalk keeps on this course and continues to improve ...
Some Suggestions (not only for signtalk but for all agencies:
1. Ditch the cancellation policy. If a client doesn't show up, the Terp gets paid in FULL FOR EVERY HOUR BOOKED, and no reassigning him/her to another job WITHOUT FULL PAY FOR BOTH JOBS.
2. List jobs along with the information of what's involved in the job. i.e. Where and What. Don't ask Terps to accept jobs based on a job number! DUH?! (Are you people friggen idiots?)
3. When they do accept the job, give them accurate information of Where, When and How to Get there. What language is being used (ASL, PSE etc.)
4. Give Terps a RAISE. If you're getting paid 89.95/hour by VESID, stop paying Certified terps 40/hour. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THAT MUCH MONEY FOR THE LIMITED WORK YOU DO. You should get 15% commission PERIOD. IF you think you should get more explain to me why?
Bravo to Accurate for immediately changing course/and tone with their new cancellation policy. They are listing to Terps. We applaud that.
BUT, we hope Signtalk keeps on this course and continues to improve ...
Some Suggestions (not only for signtalk but for all agencies:
1. Ditch the cancellation policy. If a client doesn't show up, the Terp gets paid in FULL FOR EVERY HOUR BOOKED, and no reassigning him/her to another job WITHOUT FULL PAY FOR BOTH JOBS.
2. List jobs along with the information of what's involved in the job. i.e. Where and What. Don't ask Terps to accept jobs based on a job number! DUH?! (Are you people friggen idiots?)
3. When they do accept the job, give them accurate information of Where, When and How to Get there. What language is being used (ASL, PSE etc.)
4. Give Terps a RAISE. If you're getting paid 89.95/hour by VESID, stop paying Certified terps 40/hour. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THAT MUCH MONEY FOR THE LIMITED WORK YOU DO. You should get 15% commission PERIOD. IF you think you should get more explain to me why?
Bravo to Accurate for immediately changing course/and tone with their new cancellation policy. They are listing to Terps. We applaud that.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Signtalk is AFRAID of our WORKING TOGETHER!!!
Our pressure -- BEFORE WE HAVE EVEN HAD OUR MEETING -- has made some headway against Signtalk and their abusive practices. While some of our members lost their cool screaming some sense into Leah at Signtalk (thanks bf), they were clearly feeling stressed about the fact that several interpreters are meeting THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 20TH 1-3 PM, to discuss how we as a working community to can FIGHT BACK against OPPRESSIVE AGENCIES! Excuse me, but WHY DO WE NEED AGENCIES IN THE FIRST PLACE? They are taking 40-60% of the charge to the client off the top. For what? Giving us inaccurate and incomplete information about the clients. (Thanks again Signtalk ... and others.) If we HAD OUR OWN AGENCY we could charge the deaf/hearing consumer less and still make a living wage. SIGNTALK (et al) should be working FOR US!
Meanwhile, SHOW UP AND KEEP FIGHTING, lets make sure Signtalk also takes back that illegal bullshit about "re-assigning" us to other jobs if a client cancels. (While they keep the money) And maybe they might start giving us/you accurate information about jobs. Frankly, we wish Signtalk would just go away, but in lieu of that how about they just stop dicking over Terps.
(Signtalk/Leah's lame plea below)
"Dear Sign Language Interpreter,
COMMUNICATION is KEY. In the spirit of renewal that comes with Spring, we are exploring ways to enhance our relationship and ensure that communication continues to be open and interactive.
Give us your input. Meet with us and you will receive a Gift Card and an entry to win a pair of tickets to the much acclaimed, marvelous Broadway show – THE MIRACLE WORKER!
We are proud of our peerless position as leaders in the industry and attribute it to our vigilance to best business practices, our integrity, and our appreciation of the high standards and caliber of our affiliated Independent Professionals.
As we continue to update our operating procedures, please note that in direct response to your feedback, interpreters may now invoice for twice the time worked – instead of time and a half – in instances of “partner-no-show.”
Finally, please remember to redeem your Comprehensive Advantage® points annually by December 31. If you have not redeemed your points in 2009, please note that we have extended the deadline to April 9, 2010. Call Suzanne Hersher at 718-382-2022 for your point balance and a list of redemption choices.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Leah Schlager Maria Jimenez
Program Director Program Manager
Meanwhile, SHOW UP AND KEEP FIGHTING, lets make sure Signtalk also takes back that illegal bullshit about "re-assigning" us to other jobs if a client cancels. (While they keep the money) And maybe they might start giving us/you accurate information about jobs. Frankly, we wish Signtalk would just go away, but in lieu of that how about they just stop dicking over Terps.
(Signtalk/Leah's lame plea below)
"Dear Sign Language Interpreter,
COMMUNICATION is KEY. In the spirit of renewal that comes with Spring, we are exploring ways to enhance our relationship and ensure that communication continues to be open and interactive.
Give us your input. Meet with us and you will receive a Gift Card and an entry to win a pair of tickets to the much acclaimed, marvelous Broadway show – THE MIRACLE WORKER!
We are proud of our peerless position as leaders in the industry and attribute it to our vigilance to best business practices, our integrity, and our appreciation of the high standards and caliber of our affiliated Independent Professionals.
As we continue to update our operating procedures, please note that in direct response to your feedback, interpreters may now invoice for twice the time worked – instead of time and a half – in instances of “partner-no-show.”
Finally, please remember to redeem your Comprehensive Advantage® points annually by December 31. If you have not redeemed your points in 2009, please note that we have extended the deadline to April 9, 2010. Call Suzanne Hersher at 718-382-2022 for your point balance and a list of redemption choices.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Leah Schlager Maria Jimenez
Program Director Program Manager
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Accurate's MISTEP and update on NY INTERPRETER FORUM
Hey, Terps. Accurate communications -- a company we usually are cool with -- has recently sent out an email outlining punitive measures for Terps that show up late or don't show up. While we think Terps that are constantly late are a blight on the profession, the monetary damages Accurate is seeking seems not only ridiculous but illegal. (See the NY STATE RULES ON Deducting money from wages) Not only that but What the hell are they thinking? THIS IS ANOTHER reason we need a NY INTERPRETERS ASSOCIATION that will work as an activist against agencies that make such wrong-headed decisions! COME TO THE MEETING ON MARCH 20TH! 1-3 PM!
The following is from:
"Doing Business in New York State: A Guide for Small Businesses: Labor Law Obligations to Employees."
DEDUCTIONS FROM WAGES: No deductions may be made from wages paid to an employee except those
required by law or government rules and regulations (e.g., payroll taxes, child support orders, wage garnishments),
except those which are expressly authorized, in writing, by the employee and are for that employee’s benefit. Nor
may an employer require an employee to make any payment by separate transaction, unless such a payment would
be permitted as a deduction from wages. Such authorized deductions are limited to insurance premiums, charitable
contributions, pension, health and welfare benefit payments, union dues, United States bond purchases and payments for similar purposes.
It is a violation of the labor law for an employer to make any other deduction from an employee’s wages. For
example, if an employee takes or damages property belonging to the employer, the employer may not recoup the
value of that property by withholding all or a portion of that employee's wages. The employer, like any other party
aggrieved by the negligent or criminal behavior of another, must pursue whatever remedies are available at law. He
may not simply confiscate wages due to his employee without a court order permitting him to do so.
An employer is not obliged to pay an employee for hours that he did not work, but in making a deduction from
wages for lateness or absence, may deduct only the value of the time missed; the deduction of a penalty for lateness
or absence is illegal. Nor may an employer make a deduction from wages because he judges the employee’s work to
be deficient.
The following is from:
"Doing Business in New York State: A Guide for Small Businesses: Labor Law Obligations to Employees."
DEDUCTIONS FROM WAGES: No deductions may be made from wages paid to an employee except those
required by law or government rules and regulations (e.g., payroll taxes, child support orders, wage garnishments),
except those which are expressly authorized, in writing, by the employee and are for that employee’s benefit. Nor
may an employer require an employee to make any payment by separate transaction, unless such a payment would
be permitted as a deduction from wages. Such authorized deductions are limited to insurance premiums, charitable
contributions, pension, health and welfare benefit payments, union dues, United States bond purchases and payments for similar purposes.
It is a violation of the labor law for an employer to make any other deduction from an employee’s wages. For
example, if an employee takes or damages property belonging to the employer, the employer may not recoup the
value of that property by withholding all or a portion of that employee's wages. The employer, like any other party
aggrieved by the negligent or criminal behavior of another, must pursue whatever remedies are available at law. He
may not simply confiscate wages due to his employee without a court order permitting him to do so.
An employer is not obliged to pay an employee for hours that he did not work, but in making a deduction from
wages for lateness or absence, may deduct only the value of the time missed; the deduction of a penalty for lateness
or absence is illegal. Nor may an employer make a deduction from wages because he judges the employee’s work to
be deficient.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Below is a post on the NY Interpreter's Forum by an NIC Cert Terp:
"Hey, guys. FYI I finally lost it with Signtalk. Not that I've worked for them in a long while, however I'm still on their list. I had written a note to Signtalk when they last sent out an email codifying their ridiculous and unfair practices toward interpreters. (i.e. Their cancellation policy, team no-show policy, etc.) I questioned the legality of putting us on a job that we did not sign up for, if the client was a no show. Doesn't this make us employees rather than freelancers? Long story short, Leah denied that they get paid when a client is a no show. Which I think is BS. When I said I knew of a Terp that did a 5 hour job alone without a team for them, she said they don't get paid for 2 terps if the other terp doesn't show. Again, BS. If they did make this agreement with a client then they are making negotiations against the well being and health of terps. I told her Signtalk was considered the worst agency in NYC. She said "Quite the contrary, we are considered one of the best..." I told her that was BS, and that the only reason she had the Board of Ed contract is she has a friend on the Board of Ed who allows Signtalk to have that contract. I then told her to make sure my name was not on her list of Terps for her HHC bid. Then I left her with some other choice words, which I probably should have restrained myself from saying. Lets just say the gist of it was that she was cheap and abusive to the rights and health of terps. Feel a bit of an emotional hangover, but I'm hoping that soon other terps will face up to Signtalk and stop feeding that evil company. I know it's hard, because we all need to eat, but we as a community need to get a Spine."
We second that opinion.
FYI: read this article from Discover Mag about how ASL Terping is the worst profession for on the job injury:
"Hey, guys. FYI I finally lost it with Signtalk. Not that I've worked for them in a long while, however I'm still on their list. I had written a note to Signtalk when they last sent out an email codifying their ridiculous and unfair practices toward interpreters. (i.e. Their cancellation policy, team no-show policy, etc.) I questioned the legality of putting us on a job that we did not sign up for, if the client was a no show. Doesn't this make us employees rather than freelancers? Long story short, Leah denied that they get paid when a client is a no show. Which I think is BS. When I said I knew of a Terp that did a 5 hour job alone without a team for them, she said they don't get paid for 2 terps if the other terp doesn't show. Again, BS. If they did make this agreement with a client then they are making negotiations against the well being and health of terps. I told her Signtalk was considered the worst agency in NYC. She said "Quite the contrary, we are considered one of the best..." I told her that was BS, and that the only reason she had the Board of Ed contract is she has a friend on the Board of Ed who allows Signtalk to have that contract. I then told her to make sure my name was not on her list of Terps for her HHC bid. Then I left her with some other choice words, which I probably should have restrained myself from saying. Lets just say the gist of it was that she was cheap and abusive to the rights and health of terps. Feel a bit of an emotional hangover, but I'm hoping that soon other terps will face up to Signtalk and stop feeding that evil company. I know it's hard, because we all need to eat, but we as a community need to get a Spine."
We second that opinion.
FYI: read this article from Discover Mag about how ASL Terping is the worst profession for on the job injury:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The DANGER of VRI charging $20/30 minutes
We just heard that ONE VRI is charging by 30 minute increments. i.e. $20/ 30 minutes of interpreting. That is a 50-60& DISCOUNT from normal rates. This is a very dangerous precedent. I don't know about you, but we can't survive on 20 bucks an hour. "But they are not paying 20 dollars an hour, it's just for 30 minutes!" But, in fact, they are only paying 20 dollars. They are saying that you need to commit to an appointed time to terp for possibly only 30 minutes of pay. NO GUARANTEE of a 1 or 2 hour minimum. VRI says that businesses are refusing to commit to the full hour of pay, so they are trying the 30 minute approach. So if a business model like this takes off, terps that work in metropolitan area will be in danger of losing their jobs. While a Terp in West Virginia who works for 18-25 an hour might find $20 for a job not so bad, we DC/NYC/LA/SF terps will end up homeless. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. We strongly suggest you do not ACCEPT 30 MINUTE MINIMUMS. Let us know your thoughts.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Rumor has it that some NYC terps met today to discuss forming an association to draft a BILL OF INTERPRETERS RIGHTS for the Metro NY area. With the advent of some rogue agencies hacking away at Terp working conditions, these Terps know if they don't do it for themselves NO ONE WILL. Bravo for them!
On their list of GRIEVANCES they sited SIGN TALK (YUCK!) as recently sending out yet ANOTHER contract for Terps to SIGN AWAY THEIR RIGHTS, codifying their relentless attacks on terp pay and terp safety. Like, saying that if a client doesn't show up they can send the FREELANCE TERP wherever they want without paying them extra. (Depending on what they consider reasonable!) Excuse me but doesn't that mean the Terp is an employee and should be getting benefits? Shouldn't ST be paying unemployment insurance? IS THAT LEGAL? Isn't sign talk still being paid for BOTH ASSIGNMENTS but trying to pay the terp only for that one? What about the additional travel time? We think if the agency is getting paid for interpreters they should pass that money along to the Terps ... call us crazy.
Next ST sent out an email calling for Medical Terps. GOD HELP US!!! (God help the patients!)
We really hope this new association of terps can get enough terps together to set up a bill of rights and hold agencies accountable for how they treat/pay/prepare their terps.
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